How To Live The Coveted “Digital Nomad” Lifestyle By Monetizing Content


The last time I had a “real job” in digital media I left on not-so-great terms with the upper management and I heard later that in the wake of my parting, the Creative Director told everyone that I had left to “pursue my dream of becoming an influencer.” While I imagine he said this as a sly attack on my character, I don’t think he was totally off the mark. By definition, an influencer is a person or thing that has influence over others, causing them to do or think differently. If you have ideas or messages worth spreading, there’s nothing wrong with being an influencer. Unfortunately, with the rise of social media, companies saw an opportunity to turn those followers into sales, and the influencer became seen as nothing more than a slimy salesperson. I did want elements of the influencer life such as; a large audience to share an important message with, financial freedom, and the freedom to use my spare time as I pleased, but I didn’t want to be a middleman for brands that I didn’t believe in as a means to get there. 

I quit my salary job with little to no plan of how I was going to achieve this lifestyle I dreamed of, and with a small savings and a few odd jobs here and there I sustained myself for a year while reading every self help book I could get my hands on. I read books like “You Are A Badass” by Jen Sincero and “The 4 Hour Work Week” by Tim Ferris, soaking up every bit of knowledge and inspiration possible. I still didn’t know what the path was, but I knew what the goals were and that was an important first step. The three things that were most important to me were time, money, and influence. I needed time to pursue hobbies, practice, and travel. I needed money to fund my current life and pay for investments in myself like courses and future savings. And I needed influence in order to help other people out of the rut that I felt corporate/employee culture had thrown me into. 

A year after leaving that job, I was introduced to online sex work in the form of camming and subscription content sites like Patreon and OnlyFans. I knew almost immediately that I had found something perfect for me. There were many things that drew me to the world of creating adult content online. I believe that both creators and consumers of adult entertainment are unfairly stigmatized considering how natural and normal consumption of this kind of media is, so it checked my boxes for purpose in terms of influence. I saw the opportunity for growth and scalability as well, in that you could only be hindered by how much time and effort you put in yourself. This scalability factor is the root of manifesting financial freedom and more coveted “spare time.” In a salary job, you will only make the salary promised on your contract no matter how hard you work, and that just didn’t appeal to me anymore. Which brings me to the last draw for me, and that was I actually enjoy the work and can’t imagine a better or more fun job for myself. Exploring sexually is normal, we all agree when we read that and then blush when someone mentions a vibrator.

Today, I am in the top 1% of creators worldwide on OnlyFans, which has grown from 3 million to 90 million active subscribers over the course of the pandemic. I spend approximately 10 hours per week working on that aspect of my online businesses. I also have a company called Money Mama Club which I started during the COVID pandemic to help other women navigate digital content sales and learn the basics of monetizing their content. My work there consists of community management, hosting a video interview podcast, digital workshops (content sales), and running a web shop. I am able to work from anywhere in the world as long as I have a WiFi connection, and with my work hours minimized I’ve also been able to pay for acting and writing classes and pursue my dream of writing a screenplay which I recently finished. 

When I tell people that OnlyFans is my main source of income, they often are intrigued because it sounds sexy and taboo. But it’s actually when I explain the business model in simple terms of content strategy and they see how it allows me to live my dream life that they get really impressed. I use social media (my free channel) to create a personal brand and inform my audience about me, what I believe in, and what I offer for purchase. My offers are adult content on OnlyFans, workshops on Money Mama Club, and print on demand products. I try to drive those free followers from social media to become paying subscribers or customers, and then I try to upsell them once they’ve made one purchase. Therefore every new person that follows me for free is a potential customer of the same content, and I can test out different user journeys and see what gets people to convert best. This content strategy I use for adult content on OnlyFans is one that you could use for really any niche, talent, or media once you boil it down to its main principles. 

I call it the “3 Tier Content Strategy” in the workshop I teach on Money Mama Club, and it is the core of my business model. If you are putting time and effort into your social media, you will have a much more scalable business if you monetize your audience directly by selling products or content instead of waiting for brands to offer you lucrative influencer deals. We have a hard time believing in ourselves and our value and skills without someone else like an employer validating us, but you just need to know one thing. You are worthy and your time is valuable and if you think you have something to do or say that could change the world you shouldn’t feel guilty about monetizing it! If you have more questions about monetizing content and seizing that digital nomad lifestyle I’d be happy to have a one on one consultation with you, please get in touch via e-mail or an old fashioned DM slide.

About Danika: 

Danika Maia is an adult content creator, sex work advocate, writer and the founder of Money Mama Club which is a sex and money positive community for empowering women. 









STASIS, products and ideas to decode time.